Friday, August 23, 2013

Circle Lenses

Circle contact lenses or simply known as circle lenses has been very popular these past years. They are cosmetic contact lenses used to make the eyes look larger. Unlike regular contact lenses, they provide a wider outer rim (limbal ring) which gives off the illusion of bigger eyes. But similar to the regular contact lenses, they also come in different sizes. Circle lenses starts from a 14.0mm diameter and can go up to an astonishing 20.8mm! Apparently, they can come in sizes much larger than regular contact lenses which makes them achieve both dolly and ulzzang eyes.

I didn't know such huge lenses existed until I actually stumbled upon a website which sells them.

The larger the lens, the more uncomfortable they become particularly for those who are not used to using circle lenses. The water content of circle lenses also affects its comfort level. The higher the water content, the more comfortable it is and vice versa.

Circle lenses comes in a variety of colors and designs. Some are aimed to a more natural look.

Some, plain outrageous.
And some designs are mainly used in achieving anime eye details which are perfect for cosplays.

They can be purchased from physical and online stores in different countries. They are available in plano (non-prescription) and prescription which makes them usable for both people with normal vision as well as those with special needs.

Whatever your reason for wearing, there is a circle lens available for you.

Caution: It is best to consult you doctor before using any kind of contact lens as it may cause permanent damage to your eyes.


  1. Pretty Nice post, thanks for sharing it here!

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    In case you need additional beauty ideas that enhance your eyes, making them brilliantly bright and beautiful, you may want to check out for more exciting brand colored circle lenses.

    Enjoy and stay pretty :)


  2. Thank you so much!
    I will check the website out. :)
