Monday, July 1, 2013

Denim Haze

I found an old jacket in my moms closet and I had this light-bulb moment to make it look kawaii. I'm not really fond of denims because I find them stiff and warm to wear but I really like this look that I came up with. An old denim over my blue layered dress doesn't look bad, no?

ombre denim jacket

The jacket had sleeves before the whole make-over I did to it. It was just a plain short sleeve denim jacket with a plain blue denim color. I cut the sleeves to make it into a vest, added some glorious spikes to the collar and ombre-fied it. 

Denim vest

I accentuated the look with some punky bracelets and a heart locket.

spike bracelets

tattoo tights

I used my starry tattoo tights to compliment the "punkiness"of the entire look and over it I wore a light brown bunchies socks. Converse for my footwear ★


I added a violin prop because I thought it fitted the puzzle and after seeing the final photo I had to say that the whole look seemed to be inspired by Lindsay Sterling!


Or the violin makes it look so. 

Kawaii punk fashion


  1. I love this look, and your photography is AMAZING! o___o

    Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

    1. Thank you so much! ^.^
      My brother was the one who took the photos.
