Monday, June 3, 2013


Finally! My very first blog entry and my very first...

<TA-DA> creepers! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ I got this a few months back.


I first saw creepers being worn in Harajuku street fashion. Back then, I was still confused whether I actually love or hate it. It looks so chunky and seems a bit heavy. I imagined myself looking like a clown if I wear one.  

Eventually, I realized that I actually LOVE it! But unfortunately, creepers has very little to no availability in the country where I live. (。┰ω┰。) My only choice was to buy it online which was really expensive so I had push my feelings of love aside and forget about having a creepers. 

A few months later while I was looking around a thrift shop, my eyes instantly caught a shoe full of sole. It was a classic looking creepers! I instantly fell in love with it but I did not buy it immediately. I still waited for a week to test my love. It never wavered so I finally bought it. 

Creepers and gray socks

I'm currently very happy with it and I wear it almost every time!

  Happy three friends

 My creepers along with my classic 1960 Doc Martens and VANCL Boots.

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